

Documents related to government notifications, orders, reports, guidelines and more appear here. Documents are uploaded here in PDF format and option is available to download them.

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Title Date View / Download
L227 | DISASTER MANAGEMENT 28/03/2018 View (597 KB)
L269 DISTRICT PANCHAYAT OFFICE 28/03/2018 View (670 KB)
L267 DISTRICT PANCHAYAT OFFICE 27/03/2018 View (664 KB)
L201 SUPPLY DEPARTMENT 26/03/2018 View (764 KB)
L199 SUPPLY DEPARTMENT | MARCH 2018 26/03/2018 View (6 MB)
L 680 | Ram Navmi Law&Order 23/03/2018 View (180 KB)
L679 | Joint Order Evaluation related 23/03/2018 View (970 KB)
L612 | Monday Meeting Confidential Proceeding 23/03/2018 View (4 MB)
L 102 COURT CASES 21/03/2018 View (699 KB)
L388 ADM COURT ORDER | 21/03/2018 View (2 MB)